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Treating the Blocks & Exhibition Prep

The Green/Blue team added linseed oil (extracted from the flax plant) to their blocks to act as a preservative and to bring out the color in the wood.

Students also took time to brush up on a few questions that they are expected to be able to answer at their exhibition.

Blue/Green Questions

1. What are the benefits of your yoga pose?

2. Be sure you can demonstrate your pose to visitors.

3. How can you modify (progress/regress) your pose to make it harder for easier?

4. What are the benefits of using a yoga block?

5. What steps did you take to create your yoga block?

Yellow/Orange Questions

1. What are the benefits of your exercise?

2. Be sure you can demonstrate your exercise to visitors.

3. How can you modify (progress/regress) your exercise to make it harder for easier?

4. What are the benefits of performing body weight exercise?(see infographic below)

5. What steps did you take to create your dice/plyobox?

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