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Wednesday - Team Building Gould/Pond

Normally our team building activities are highly structured (students are put into teams and there are a variety of games and challenges that we rotate through), much of our students' lives these days are busy and organized - they move from class to class according to a daily schedule, many have after school activities that they attend, and when given the chance to choose an activity many default to video games and/or phone time. It seems our students don't have too much time to be truly bored . . . to daydream . . . to invent games to play and use their imagination. This is situation is not unique to our children - most adults are faced with the same challenge.

So for today's team building I organized for students to get to play freely - to be forced to choose from a variety of games/toys/equipment how to use their time.

We began the day with a trust walk down to the Liberty Station Park (some chose to keep their eyes closed the entire time) others chose a different level of challenge. Once there they were surprised to find all of the games and equipment waiting for them!

It was great to see them all play. Some new games were invented, such as the Rodney game (you may have to ask Taylor or Delilah for details) or a variation of golf using pool noodles and whiffle balls.

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