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Project Work Time (Tuesday - Friday)

Green and Blue Team

The Blue/Green team will be creating yoga blocks with an informational card to accompany, that will be used by the entire 6th grade.

Today we focused on choosing a posture (unique from every other posture chosen on the team) and learning basic information about this posture, such as what muscles are stretched and strengthened, what safety considerations should be made and how to perform the posture.

Here is a sample of the card they will create

Yellow Class

The Yellow class will be creating exercise dice with an informational card to accompany, these will be used by the entire 6th grade. Today we focused on choosing exercises (each dice has a theme: chest, back, arms, cardio, core and legs) and then learning basic information about this posture, such as what muscles are strengthened, how to perform the exercise and how to to progress/regress this exercise.

Orange Class

The organge class will be creating plyo-boxes with an informational card to accompany, these will be used by the entire 6th grade. Today we focused on choosing exercises and then learning basic information about this posture, such as what muscles are strengthened, how to perform the exercise and how to to progress/regress this exercise.

Here is a sample of the cards which will be created by the Yellow and Orange Classes.

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