Mon - 10 Min Core and Level 10 Life
We started today with a 10 minute core workout, student were asked to do the first set to the best of their ability, and challenged to do the optional second set.
Level 10 Life
We will be using our inspiration journals to support us in taking action toward happier and healthier lives.
Here is the process:
identify the 10 areas in your life that you would like to focus on (see below for a list of categories)
assess your current level of satisfaction in each of the areas (using the wheel shown below)
write a vision statement for each of the areas you chose to focus on (responding to the question, “What does Level 10 _____ look like in your life?”)
for example, for the category of Friends one’s vision statement might read, “I want to have a few close friends who like me for me, who recognize that I am smart, funny and beautiful, inside and out! I want to help them when they have problems, and I expect that they will do the same for me.”
set one goal to enact that will help you to reach your vision for each focus area
take action on your goal
reflect on your progress
Today we will focus on steps one and two in the process above.
Here is our first worksheet.